Tag Archives: love yourself

Miracles are Real

Write it down, make it plain!

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Any questions?

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




“If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Your Thoughts = Your Life

You have to think anyway, you might as well think in your Favor!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




Best Parenting


I Am the Life Coach for You!

The Life Coach for You!

Are you looking for someone to mentor/guide your teenager?

Are you looking for support with your parenting style?

Do you need to be motivated and empowered to accomplish your life goals?

I am the Life Coach for you!

Inbox me for details :

Four weeks for the price of THREE!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach






LOVE YourSelf

When you read the words in the sand, you consider it elementary. Of course You LOVE Yourself! Really? Do you really LOVE Yourself?

Look at your life, look at the choices you have made, if you were someone else, would you say you LOVE Yourself? Below are a series of questions, answer them HONESTLY, and you will get a general idea on how you feel about yourself:

When is the last time you went to the doctor for a check up?
When is the last time you did something nice for yourself?
When is the last time you put your feelings, needs, desires before someone else’s?
When was the last time you said YES to you?
When is the last time you exercised?
Do you smoke?
Do you drink excessively?
Are you doing something to your body that you know deep inside is not healthy?
Are you following your doctor’s orders?
Listen to your self-talk, what do you think about what you are saying to yourself.
How do you feel when someone give you a complement?
How do you react when someone want to do something nice to you?
Do you ever call yourself a name?
When is the last time you took a nap?

As we enter 2014, let us all choose to LOVE Ourselves!
Believe it or not, LOVING OurSelves will allow Us to LOVE others more!

On the way to Truly LOVING Myself,

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Live Coach