Monthly Archives: October 2018

I am Grateful for my feelings


I am extremely grateful for 2018.

The reason why I have an intense sense of grateful is because I learned how to exercise my Faith faculty! This is the year I learned that when I think about what I desire to attract and I FEEL the feeling of what it feels to attract it, I activate my Faith faculty and I can be sure GOD is up to something GREAT!

The desires of my heart are mine for the asking, thinking and most importantly feeling. I think of what it will feel to have the desire of my heart. What a great feeling to have the desire of my heart! I feel the feeling of having that particular desire. To think about my desire brings feeling of excitement, hopefulness and gratefulness

 Try it:

1. Think about your desire. 2. As you think about your desire, imagine, having it. 3. Imagine how you will feel if you had your desire. 4. As  you think about it, take a moment and feel your feelings. 5. Are you smiling? What are you feeling? How are you feeling?       5. Become grateful for the feeling you are generating at that moment. 5. Repeat!

This process is activating your Faith!

Are you ready?

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


I am Peace

I am Peace

World Peace – “I let peace begin with me! I am a peace agent! I am Blessed & Highly Favored, therefore, I have the responsibility to become the peace I want to see in the world, in my world.

I choose to perceive situations that are not favorable to me or situations where I have been offended with a spirit of peace. I take the higher road. I declare “things are always working out for me.”

I watch my words and I speak words of encouragement to others which allows me to create peace in my world. I am mindful that my thoughts, words, actions and reactions are an integral part of the world’s wholeness. I am peace because I think peace. I express compassion and understanding, I allow others in my world to express and experience LOVE in their lives  in their own terms. I am a peace agent. As a peace agent I am instrumental in creating a world of nonviolence where peace is a way of life.

I am peace!

I am a Peace agent.

Peace begins with me!

If after reading this, you want to learn and experience strategies to have peace in your life world and affairs, inbox me for a 20 minute FREE Life Coaching consultation.

Daily Word – A Unity Publication – Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

“I Am Amazing”

I am wonderful

“I Am Amazing!” GOD made me after His Image and after his Likeness and because of that fact I am wonderfully spiritually made! I am like no other creation GOD has ever made. I am unique in every way.

I accept my looks, the way I speak, the way I walk I accept myself just like I am! I was placed in this earth plane to accomplish tasks that ONLY I can accomplish. It is my responsibility to use my talents and gifts for this purpose. I am grateful of the awesome being GOD created me to be. I am most grateful for me.

I allow myself to be me and I let my spiritual self find my own expression. I am extraordinary! I am amazing! GOD Made me wonderfully. I allow myself to go deep within and explore more of who I really am my true nature.

I allow myself to feel the Divinity of GOD within me. I embrace my Divinity. I show up allowing my GOD self to rule my words, actions and reactions. I show up with a deeper sense of purpose.

Psalm 139:1

If after reading this, you do not agree with what you read, if this doesn’t sound true to you, inbox me ( for a 20 minute FREE Life Coaching consultation.

Universal Foundation for Better Living, Inc – Daily Inspiration, October 2, 2018; page 53.

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach