Tag Archives: love yourself


I Am Betting on Me!

I Am Betting on Me!

Worrying is literally betting against yourself!

As I forge forward with my Life Coaching practice, my main objective is to have my clients believe in themselves, LOVE themselves and choose themselves. I understand, and live that at times this is a challenge, and I am always trying to find new ways of getting the point across that WE MUST Choose Ourselves First!

When the student is ready, the teacher will come! As I looked for ways to drive my point across, the Universe placed this GREAT sign in my way, Imagine that!


Just typing it makes me smile! 🙂

I want to bet on Me! I want to be a Winner, I want to be able to live my life knowing that at the end of the day, no matter what, I am going to win regardless. GOD made me in His Image and His likeness, what else is there for me to do than to win? I have no other choice! I get it! As I feel like this about myself, I can’t help but to transfer this feeling to my clients!
What A Blessing!!!!!!!

As we begin to prepare for Our BEST year yet, 2014, I think this is the PERFECT sign to think about, meditate upon and commit to memory as we begin to think of a new opportunity to begin again.

Bet on yourself!

Betting on me,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


You are the MOST Important Person to YOU!

yeshe-yourself<img src="https://flacacee.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/yeshe-yourself.jpg&quot; class="size-full" alt=

"You are the MOST Important Person to YOU!
You are the MOST Important Person to YOU, and if you are not, I challenge you to consider making the choice for 2014 to make you the MOST Important Person in Your Life!

Remember, there are a lot of people who LOVE You and depend on You! In order for you to give them Your BEST, You MUST LOVE Yourself and be Gentle with Yourself.

You are the ONLY You You Got!

Being Gentle with Me,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach