Tag Archives: peace

Sending Positive vibes!

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Any questions?

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




“If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Your Thoughts = Your Life

You have to think anyway, you might as well think in your Favor!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach






Peace begins with YOU!

Peace begins with YOU!

When You choose to walk your world in Peace, you realize that ONLY Peaceful situations come your way!

If there is a disruption in your day, as you choose Peace, the situation will resolve itself, go away, or you will have every tool necessary to demonstrate and keep your Peace!

Peace is the key to our well-being!

Peace begins with Me,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


You + Forgiveness = Peace

You + Forgiveness = Peace

We grow up thinking that when we forgive someone who does us wrong, we are benefiting them.
The Bible says that we MUST forgive 7 times 70.

I propose another way of thinking!
We MUST forgive not for the other person!
We MUST forgive others for our own wellbeing!

We are the ones who benefit when We forgive others!

Forgive others for Yourself!

If you want to learn how to forgive for your own sake email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching Session, http://www.niecatlifecoach@yahoo.com

There is Peace in Forgiveness,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


Worrying? Give Yourself a Break!

Worrying? Give Yourself a Break!

We have GREAT minds!

Think about it!

Have you ever been in a situation where you thought/imagined the worse case scenario?
You scared, upset, depressed, angered, cried, hurt yourself half to death. You argued, cursed, screamed and complained ALL internally, all in your mind, but as the situation resolved itself (as situations ALWAYS do), your worse case scenario was ten times worse than the actual situation.

Give yourself a break!


Take a deep breath!

Your Soul (Your GOD Self) Always knows what to do to heal itself, to solve problems. All the answers are in You, within you as you! Silence your mind, stop! Think of the BEST case scenarios instead! Yes, I know what I am asking, is hard, but the beauty of it is that you can do it!

Think a better thought!

Happy Thinking,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach