Category Archives: Ask & It is Given

Mind Hack

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

Your thoughts = Your Life

I am Peace

I am Peace

World Peace – “I let peace begin with me! I am a peace agent! I am Blessed & Highly Favored, therefore, I have the responsibility to become the peace I want to see in the world, in my world.

I choose to perceive situations that are not favorable to me or situations where I have been offended with a spirit of peace. I take the higher road. I declare “things are always working out for me.”

I watch my words and I speak words of encouragement to others which allows me to create peace in my world. I am mindful that my thoughts, words, actions and reactions are an integral part of the world’s wholeness. I am peace because I think peace. I express compassion and understanding, I allow others in my world to express and experience LOVE in their lives  in their own terms. I am a peace agent. As a peace agent I am instrumental in creating a world of nonviolence where peace is a way of life.

I am peace!

I am a Peace agent.

Peace begins with me!

If after reading this, you want to learn and experience strategies to have peace in your life world and affairs, inbox me for a 20 minute FREE Life Coaching consultation.

Daily Word – A Unity Publication – Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

Your thoughts, Your Life!


Think about what you really desire.

What is it that you want to see in your life, world and affairs?

Your responsibility is to see yourself with the desire of your heart. Most importantly, your job is to FEEL as if your desire is already yours. This is what faith is all about, thinking and feeling your desire as it is already yours. You are NOT to concern yourself with the “how.” How your desire will come to life is none of your business. The “how” is GOD‘s business!

Do not worry about the “how!” Concentrate on thinking and feeling  your desire! Period!

The Secret: Daily Teachings; day 216 by Rhonda Byrne

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach





“The groundwork to abundance is right thinking.”

There is a simple inner recipe to manifest “abundance.”  The recipe requires “Right thinking!”

The first ingredient to manifest abundance is right thinking. You must know without a shadow of a doubt that abundance is yours. You are entitled to abundance! Abundance is yours for the asking! GOD Created you with everything you need and want in abundance!

The second ingredient is to be convinced that “how” abundance is manifested into your life is none of your business.

Once the first 2 ingredients are solidified in your thinking, the next ingredient is to ask for what you want, describe the abundance you want to see in your life, world and affair.

The last and most important ingredient is Faith!  You must have Faith beyond a shadow of a doubt that the abundance you asked for is yours. You must feel the feeling you will have knowing that the abundance is already yours.

Allow your Faith to be activated and feel the feeling that you will have when your abundance is present. Activate your imagination!

As you work on your right thinking to lay your groundwork to your abundance, it is important that you keep in mind the details of your abundance is GOD’s job. You only need to ask, believe and relax, in other words, have FAITH.

If reading this recipe makes you feel hopeful but you have no idea where to start, email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach




2015 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,100 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 35 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Exercise Your Imagination


In the book “Ask & It Is Given” Esther & Jerry Hicks explains how essential it is to use your imagination.

Imagination according to the dictionary means: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
if you think about it, that is the same definition of Faith. Faith is being sure of the things we hope for and knowing that something is real even if we do not see it ( way I see it, using our imagination is using our Faith.

According to the book instead of living in the present and worry about what you don’t want, they offer an alternative! Think about what you want! Think about how you want the situation to go. Once you think about it, notice the feeling you have while you are thinking about it. At you smiling? Are you feeling good about the thoughts that are crossing your mind? According to the book, if you think of a specific thought for 17 seconds, other thoughts of like mind will come to play. That 17 minutes will become longer and longer until you are exercising your Faith/Imagination faculty without even noticing it.

Try it! I find myself much happier as I use my Faith/Imagination Faculty to think and feel about how I want to see my life. The BEST part? I am manifesting some GREAT things in my life!

If you want to learn how to exercise your Faith/Imagination Faculty inbox me for a 20 minute FREE Life Coaching Session!

I Am Imagination,

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach