Category Archives: daily devotions

Words have Power

Your Thoughts = Your Life

You have to think anyway, you might as well think in your Favor!

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

Your thoughts = Your Life


A conversation with GOD!

god is all

GOD Is my ALL in All!

I have no reason to fear. GOD Is my everything, therefore feeling save is My Birthright. I am safe wherever I go because GOD Is with me! Thank you GOD for satisfying ALL my needs. Thank you GOD For my Blessings, the ones I see and the ones I am happily waiting for.

GOD, I put you first and I feel safe. Father/Mother GOD I now that you will never leave me nor forsake me. That is why I fee safe LORD! LORD, expand my consciousness to receive ALL the good you have in store for me.

Thank you GOD that I know I must put you first and delight in your essence. Your will GOD and not mine!

Thank you GOD for I know you have heard me!

And so it is!

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

GOD’s Will



GOD’ will for my life is absolute good!

GOD wants to give me the desires of my heart but I have to work for it! I have to be open and receptive to GOD’s prompting.

I ask GOD for my intuitive nature to become super awaken so that I may be able to listen, truly listen and feel my next move.

I ask GOD for the strength it will take for me to follow my intuition. My intuition, the still small voice and my feelings are my best life indicators of what I am supposed to do next.

I ask for the will to do GOD’s Will as the idea comes to me as a thought, feeling or someone’s words.

I wish to be open and receptive to ALL the good GOD Has in store me.

Use me LORD! Use me LORD, not only to Bless me with the desires of my heart but so that I can be a blessing to others. Your Will GOD and not mine.

Thank You GOD You have heard me and You are working it ALL out right now, and so it is! Amen!


Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach



Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Remembrance – Through the practice of remembrance, I honor the past and infuse it with LOVE. I shower everyone who lost someone during 9/11 with peace, power and the presence of GOD. May they find the forgiveness, healing and gratitude necessary to sooth themselves. I think of the past and affirm that GOD Is in absolute control and though we may not understand everything that happens we hold steadfast and affirm that GOD’s light can heal ALL Souls.  Romans 12: 17 -18

Coach Arthur, 125219-Twin-TowersCertified Professional Life Coach

Daily Word – Unity Publication – September/October 2018, page 23


My Source

No matter what is happening in my life GOD is my Source.
GOD Is my Source & GOD supplies me with ALL the money substance I need with Grace and Ease. I relax and know that GOD has it ALL figured out.
All my needs are met.
I am Grateful for what GOD Provides for Me.
I give thanks for everything.
Deuteronomy 8:18 requires me to remember that the LORD, My GOD, for is GOD who gives me the Power to get wealth, so that HE May confirm HIS Covenant that HE Swore to my ancestors, as he is doing today. I rely on this covenant for it affirms GOD Is my Source. ALL I have to do is to open my mind to receive my heritage of abundance given to me from the beginning of time.
I continuously affirm at all times, GOD Is MY Source, and ALL is well! 
Luke 15:31
You are ALWAYS with me, and ALL that is mine is Yours!
ALL things lead to My Success, My Happiness and My Wealthy no matter what!
ALL Is Well!
If you need assistance in realizing there is a Higher Power at work in your life, world and affairs, email me for a FREE 20 minute life coaching session.
Miracles 2
“What you choose is choosing you; choose wisely!”

Coach Arthur


My Source!


I Am

Knowing the TRUTH and practicing the TRUTH are 2 different practices! Knowing that you are created in the image and likeness of GOD, knowing that you are PERFECT just the way you are is one thing. Feeling and acting as if you are created in the image and likeness of GOD, therefore you are PERFECT as you are right now can be somewhat challenging. In order to bring the TRUTH of what you know into practice, you have to say YES to yourself. You have to be willing to be healed. Accepting yourself as GOD created you is the first step. This will place you on the road to experiencing the TRUTH that you already know within.

Asking GOD for healing of your “Self-Perception” is the second step. Take an inventory, and look for places in your conscious mind where you feel self-doubt, insecure or not enough; these are the thought patterns that need to be healed. Once you identify the thoughts, you can begin the third step by healing the thoughts that bring you to a false sense of self. These are the thoughts that make you forget the TRUTH about yourself.

The fourth and final step is to continuously remind yourself that you are a child of the Most High GOD, You are whole, You are healthy and You are complete. You have it within you to remain in this consciousness forever!

Need assistance practicing the TRUTH of who you really are?  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections –   Day 172; by: Marianne Williamson

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach