Category Archives: A year of miracles


I Am

Knowing the TRUTH and practicing the TRUTH are 2 different practices! Knowing that you are created in the image and likeness of GOD, knowing that you are PERFECT just the way you are is one thing. Feeling and acting as if you are created in the image and likeness of GOD, therefore you are PERFECT as you are right now can be somewhat challenging. In order to bring the TRUTH of what you know into practice, you have to say YES to yourself. You have to be willing to be healed. Accepting yourself as GOD created you is the first step. This will place you on the road to experiencing the TRUTH that you already know within.

Asking GOD for healing of your “Self-Perception” is the second step. Take an inventory, and look for places in your conscious mind where you feel self-doubt, insecure or not enough; these are the thought patterns that need to be healed. Once you identify the thoughts, you can begin the third step by healing the thoughts that bring you to a false sense of self. These are the thoughts that make you forget the TRUTH about yourself.

The fourth and final step is to continuously remind yourself that you are a child of the Most High GOD, You are whole, You are healthy and You are complete. You have it within you to remain in this consciousness forever!

Need assistance practicing the TRUTH of who you really are?  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections –   Day 172; by: Marianne Williamson

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

No one can be you but You!!

You are the BEST

When speaking spiritually, there is no competition! No one can be who you are a Destined to be. There is no competition to be you. No one else can be you as well as you can. You are made in the image and likeness of GOD and you are a unique expression of the Mind of GOD! Your place in the universe is secured. There is a major function which brings you to this earth plane and whatever it is, only YOU can do it! You are the ONLY person who can be the BEST at being you!

It is a humble experience to think that GOD place you here for such a time as this. This is not arrogance, this is TRUTH! Your main objective in life is to actualize your own potential.

Your assignment, should you choose to fulfill it, is to become who GOD created you to be and to become. Your objective is to be the person you are capable of being. This is your starting line in order to be open and receptive to bringing forth your kindness, your positivity, your vulnerability and your availability to do life to your highest potential.

Need assistance being the best you that you can be?  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections –   Day 340; by: Marianne Williamson

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

I Declare

Dear Clients:

I declare that I will use my expertise, my actions and my words to bless you. I will assist you by writing a vision statement with your own words that will bring you favor in your life, world and affairs.

I will assist you so you can call out your Greatness. I will do this with you, by showing you your innate ability to be “Proud of YourSelf, to LOVE YourSelf and to nurture YourSelf.

I am committed to assist so in believing in YourSelf and your dreams. I will work with fidelity to assure You learn to navigate your True Self. Your TRUE Self  is amazing, talented and beautiful.  I am committed to assist you in believing in YourSelf and Your dreams.I will partner with You in agreement that you will do GREAT things in life. This is my declaration to You, My Dear client.

Dear Client you are coachable, you are eager to be BETTER and you have no problem compensating me for how GREAT your life will be! I ONLY work with individuals that want to change!

Email me:

I Declare – 31 Promises to speak over your life by Joel Osteen – day 14

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach



2015 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,100 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 35 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

True Forgiveness



What is true forgiveness?

True forgiveness is choosing to remember in a selective manner. Choosing to remember the LOVE generated by the experience and letting go of the rest as the illusion it really was. Choosing to forgive does not make you more vulnerable to manipulation or exploitation. As a matter of fact, it makes you stronger.

To be closer to your true nature you need have the mind set of forgiveness.

Forgiving someone does not mean “they got away with it” or “they won!” It means you choose you, you choose freedom. You can walk into the light, and reclaim and enjoy your inner peace.

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections –   Day 85;                       by: Marianne Williamson

Need assistance Forgiving?  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

What is Faith?


Have you ever notice how many things happen without your assistance? Your heart beats, your five senses work, the planets revolve around the sun, and seeds become plants, trees and flowers. Babies begin as embryos and this all happens without your help. All these things happen because of a natural built in system. The beauty of this is that you are an integral part of this system. You can allow this natural force to direct your life or you can try to do your life ALL by yourself.

Faith is trusting on that natural system. Faith is believing that the Universe is on your side, and the Powers that be (GOD) wants the BEST for you! Faith is believing that GOD Is on Your side and GOD wants you to win. Faith is knowing that GOD, the Universe, the natural built in system wants the BEST for you. Faith is the mental awareness that everything that happens to you happens to you for your Highest Good and ALL will be well! Any attempt in your part to interfere will only result in delays and unwanted experiences. Your ability and willingness to let go and let GOD allows your life to unfold in your behalf!

Without Faith you will always try to control the outcome of your life. You will always try to control what is not your business to control and fix what is not in your power to fix. What you are trying to deal with is BETTER without your assistance. What you are trying to fix cannot be fixed by you! When you do not practice Faith you are wasting your time.  Why bother????????????????

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections –   Day 95; by: Marianne Williamson

Need assistance developing your FAITH faculty?  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

You are where You need to Be!


You are exactly where you need to be right now. Everything that has happened to you up to this point has brought you to right now and has made you who you are today.

It is now your time to become the GREAT Person you were created/designed to be. Keep in mind that without ALL the experiences you have enjoyed you would not be able to achieve your GREATNESS.

The challenges you experienced were there as oils to the GREAT machine you are to become. It matter not to Our GOD how low you have gone or high you have reached. There are no limits to GOD! It is not too late, this is the right time, this is the right moment!
You are GREATNESS waiting for Yourself to bring Your Own Greatness into expression.
You are the GREATNESS you Seek!

If you want to learn how to achieve the Greatness you were meant to achieve, I am the Life Coach for you!  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections –  Day 10; by: Marianne Williamson

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

I Forgive!


I do my Spiritual work on a daily basis! I wake up really early in the morning and I read my Spiritual books, I do my prayers, and I meditate while I shower. As I get dress, I am listening to either Joel Osteen, Troy Gramling, Joyce Mayer, or Bishop TD Jakes. By the time I am dressed and ready to go out the door, I am ready for the world! I am ready to Bless everyone and Greet the CHRIST in them, but then, others’ imperfection, their wounded spirits, their beliefs different than my on or my own imperfection get in my way. This is the time that I MUST use FORGIVENESS!

Forgiveness means seeing in FAITH a LOVE that is GREATER than the actual experiences, or the past experiences. I MUST be willing to see beyond someone’s dark personality to their Soul where their GOD Self resides. To FORGIVE does not mean that I do not acknowledge that other people’s behavior has caused me or someone else discomfort, I simply choose not to focus on the action. Focusing on the action will make it real to me and that makes it real for me.

The ONLY way to protect myself from being vulnerable to other’s behavior is to identify with the person’s Higher Power – Their GOD Within. I can choose to look beyond other’s behavior and concentrate on their GOD Self. By using this strategy I FREE the individual from my condemnation, but I also FREE myself as well. This is the meaning of Forgiveness!

If you want to learn how to forgive Yourself and others, I am the Life Coach for you!  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections – Day 364; by: Marianne Williamson

Forgiveness is my daily business,

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

I Am that I Am

I Am that I Am

I was Created by GOD!

I Am a Child of GOD!

GOD breath his Spirit into me, ALL of GOD Creativity was designed for me as me. Everything GOD has created was created perfectly and I am one of GOD’s creations.

There is no need for me to seek perfection, there is no need for me to seek approval as GOD created me Perfect, Whole & Complete. The Perfect me appears when I show unconditional LOVE to people and circumstances. I now allow GOD to take over and erase any fear or doubt that will keep me from my Highest Good in order for me to express the perfect me in order for the world to see the LIGHT GOD placed in me!

If you want to realize who your TRUE Self really is, I am the Life Coach for you!  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session: inbox me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session!

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections – Day 243;  Marianne Williamson

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach