Monthly Archives: February 2013

Those Who Can, Teach

Those Who Can, Teach.

I Declare


As a Parent & Teen Life Coach, I Declare I am a people builder.

I will look for opportunities to

encourage others to bring out the

BEST in them and to help them

accomplish their dreams. I will

speak words of Faith and Victory, affirming

them, approving them, letting them

know they are valued. I will call

out their seeds of greatness, helping

them to rise higher and become all

that GOD created them to be.

This is My Declaration

Coach Arthur – CPC

I Declare 31 promises to Speak Over Your Life  By Joel Osteen  – Day 23


Common Sense is not Common

Common Sense is not Common

Common Sense is not Common!

Am sitting here in Nassau, Bahamas being extremely happy as I celebrate my B*Day weekend and enjoy the sound of the ocean waves from my hotel room (this was a BIG Dream for me). Here is the thing,
is 4:19 a.m. and I am up! Why? One thing, I am excited about going outside to walk in the beach when morning time comes (yes, at 48 I am still a kid at heart), and am also suffering from a very nasty allergy attack. Being grateful and surfing channels I came across The Steve Harvey Show. He shared three rules that I just must share. Needless to say, me being me, I had to put my own spin to Steve Harvey’s three common sense rules.

We are ALWAYS thinking, always! Let us put our thinking time for good use. Think BIG!
What do you want?
Just think it!
Just feel it!
Go into your mind file cabinet and remember everything that you ever wanted to do. Go way back, select the BIGGEST Dream that has ever crossed your mind and dust it off. If you believe in GOD (I highly recommend you do) pray for the wisdom to make your BIG Dream come into fruition. If your dream is in the forefront of your mind, cultivate it. Give yourself permission to succeed. Give your BIG Dream permission to be manifested in your life, world, and affairs. See it! Smile as you think about it! See yourself in your BIG Dream!

Once you figure out what your dream is, do something about it. Start small, just one action a day. Think about your BIG dream. Do something about your dream on a daily basis. Think about the feeling you will have when you achieve your dream.
What will it feel like?
What will you hear?
What would you feel?
Little by little formulate your BIG Dream in your head, feeling the feeling of manifesting your dream and be grateful for your BIG Dream coming into fruition.

Even the BEST thinking person will have challenges in life. Everyone has challenges, is not the challenge, is the way we handle it. When you are in the process of seeing your BIG Dream in your mind’s eye and you begin doing something about it.
How are you going to react when the first obstacle appears?
What will you do when the 100’s obstacle appear?
example: You are in the grocery store and the line is really short, you are next and in a hurry.
What are your going to do?
What will you choose?
You can become exasperated, start complaining and become miserable in your mind, where ONLY you live OR you can use this time to think gratefully about your BIG Dream! You can use this time to pray, think happy thoughts, exercise your affirmations, review your vision statement mentally or send the cashier and customer thoughts of light and harmony.
What will you choose????

Coach Arthur
Life Coach


The Four Agreements for Parents

The Four Agreements for Parents

The agreements you are about to read were taken from the book: “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz.

There are Four Agreements that parents should follow when it comes to parenting:
1. Be Impeccable with Your Word.
2. Don’t take anything personal.
3. Don’t Make Assumptions.
4. Always do Your Best.

Be Impeccable with Your word:
I have addressed this issue before in other posts. Children really learn and do what we do, seldom they learn what we say. Being impeccable with your word teaches children to do the same. As parents we must follow through on what we say to our children. If you plan to go some where don’t tell your children until you are 100% sure you can go. If you give your child a consequence you MUST follow the consequence through. That is what teaches your children you mean business. Being impeccable with your word is what teaches children to be impeccable with their word.

Don’t take anything personally:
As a school administrator I have to tell parents this one all the time. When your child does something wrong, something that perhaps brings embarrassment to your family name, please get over yourself. Yes, I get it! I have been there and done that. However, the truth of the matter is that because your child stole candy from the store does not mean that you are a thief, or that your child sees you stealing (ideally your child should NEVER see you doing anything illegal).
Here is an example: I have made my bed everyday for the last 23 years ( that’s how long I have been a Mom). NieCat are aware of my bed making passion. As they were growing up, I always told them to make up their beds. Now at 22 and 18 they NEVER make up their bed. At first I considered myself a failure for not teaching them correctly, however, now following the Four Agreements, I don’t take it personally. Our children are their on persons, they came here to learn their own individual lessons and sometimes those lessons are independent of us.

Don’t Make Assumptions:
You children consider you their Hero. Don’t assume that because you have to give them consequences/punishments they will not like you or think less of you. Don’t assume that because your neighbors children look nice from the outside that they don’t have issues. Stop assuming your parenting skills are not adequate. Stop assuming period! When you assume you make the assumption about you and you MUST remember agreement #1, don’t take things personally.

Always Do Your Best
You can only do what you can do. You are doing the BEST parenting possible with the tools that you have. You are right where you need to be. There is a Higher Forth in your life directing your steps and finally, if you need direction, if you need someone to encourage you, support you and help you to establish parenting goals seek someone like me (shameless plug), seek a Parenting Life Coach. Everyone needs help once in awhile is okay to ask for it.

Think about these Four Agreements as you do your parenting from moment to moment and you will be on your way to parenting success!

Happy Parenting,
Coach Arthur


Gratefulness is the way to go!

Gratefulness is the way to go!

Parents, you would be surprised how powerful the sense of being grateful!

As the children are in the peak of your nerves, stop what you are doing for a second and think of how Grateful you are about an aspect of your life that has to do with your children. Example: I am Grateful that my children will be sleep soon! Lol
A grateful thought like that will even give you a good laugh!
No matter what you are going through, if you can just remember (the reason why we suffer is because we forget) to think a grateful thought life will be immediately BETTER! Try it, you will like it!

Coach Arthur

Life Is a Thought Thing! Coach Arthur


Smile :)

Smile :)

Let us always meet each other with a smile,
for the smile is the beginning of love.
– Mother Teresa

Peace begins with a smile.
– Mother Teresa

If in our daily life we can smile,
if we can be peaceful and happy,
not only we, but everyone will profit from it.
This is the most basic kind of peace work.
– Thich Nhat Hanh

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,
a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring,
all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
– Leo F. Buscaglia

Just smiling goes a long way toward making you feel better about life.
And when you feel better about life, your life is better.
– Art Linkletter

May the world be kind to you,
and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
– Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Jonathan Lockwood Huie
jlh @ sail7 .com
Daily Inspiration – Daily Quote


Lord, Bless me! Bless every area of my life as I see to do Your will. Bless my mind with thoughts and feelings that restore me to perfect health and wholeness. When I pray, let my prayers affect the world consciousness in a positive, uplifting way.

Lord, bless my words, for they are charged with creative power. Let them bring forth only good and perfect results in my life. Use me as your mouthpiece to encourage others and myself.

Lord, bless my actions so that they create harmony and peace wherever I am, no matter what the circumstance or condition.  Lord, bless my reactions so that a sense of oneness is created and maintained in all of my relationships, whether personal or professional. These blessings I ask in the perfect name and nature of the Christ, my indwelling Wayshower and guide.

“Help me, Lord My GOD! Save me according to your steadfast love.” Psalm 109.26

Sunday, February 3, 2013, Daily Inspiration for Better Living, page 3/A publication of The The Universal Foundation for Better Living, Inc.


Parents have more POWER than they realize!

Parents have more POWER than they realize!

In addition to being a Life Coach I am also a school administrator, I have worked in the education system for 24 years now. For the last 15 years I have worked, well, really played  (I LOVE My Job) as a school administrator and I have heard a lot, however, there are things that still make me shake my head!

Having a beautiful girl tell me that her dad tells her she is a drama queen as she cries to him and tells him her sister is harassing/bullying at home broke my heart this week!

My partner in crime and I had to go into damage control attempting to make this dad’s statement less lethal to his daughter as she cried her little eyes out in my office. My partner in crime in her infinite wisdom told her, hey, don’t worry about it, guys are dumb! They don’t know what they are talking about! She then turns and ask me, isn’t that right? Me being the silly adult that I am had to stop myself from cracking up. Believe it or not, this lighten up the mood, The little girl  laughed and for a minute the tears were gone, however, the hurt was real.

As a school administrator there are things I just can’t say to parents, though sometimes I tell them more than I should, I actually have life coaching sessions with some of my parents FREE of charge, however, some issues are just so out of reach.Why doesn’t a Dad know that dismissing his little girl’s feelings are causing her damage? Does he realize the POWER of his words? We are going to assume that he cares and he wants to do BETTER! We are going to assume that if he could do BETTER he would do BETTER!

Parents, your words are SUPER Powerful! None of us should use our words in a negative manner towards our children or any children for that matter.

Is that possible?
Yes, it is!
All you have to do is think before you speak! When you are angry, don’t say anything! And if by chance you do say something to your child that would dim their GOD Light, just apologize and let them know that you won’t do it again!’

Please try hard not to use negative words towards your children!