Tag Archives: thinking

Sending Positive vibes!

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Any questions?

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




“If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Your Thoughts = Your Life

You have to think anyway, you might as well think in your Favor!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




Your Thoughts = Your Life


I Am Betting on Me!

I Am Betting on Me!

Worrying is literally betting against yourself!

As I forge forward with my Life Coaching practice, my main objective is to have my clients believe in themselves, LOVE themselves and choose themselves. I understand, and live that at times this is a challenge, and I am always trying to find new ways of getting the point across that WE MUST Choose Ourselves First!

When the student is ready, the teacher will come! As I looked for ways to drive my point across, the Universe placed this GREAT sign in my way, Imagine that!


Just typing it makes me smile! 🙂

I want to bet on Me! I want to be a Winner, I want to be able to live my life knowing that at the end of the day, no matter what, I am going to win regardless. GOD made me in His Image and His likeness, what else is there for me to do than to win? I have no other choice! I get it! As I feel like this about myself, I can’t help but to transfer this feeling to my clients!
What A Blessing!!!!!!!

As we begin to prepare for Our BEST year yet, 2014, I think this is the PERFECT sign to think about, meditate upon and commit to memory as we begin to think of a new opportunity to begin again.

Bet on yourself!

Betting on me,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


Problems = Opportunities

Problems = Opportunities

Whenever you are growing through challenges see them as Opportunities!

An opportunity to GROW!

An opportunity to say “Thank You GOD for the Strength I need to conquer this challenge!”

An opportunity to know that you are not alone, and that this too shall pass!

An opportunity to buckle down and choose to learn from the lesson!

An opportunity to ask for help!

An opportunity to share your challenge with someone who needs encouragement through their own storm.

An opportunity to know that you know you will be BETTER for this experience.

An opportunity to TRUST the process!

An opportunity to see your challenge as a lesson!

An opportunity to have FAITH!

Here is to opportunities,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


For the next SEVEN days!

For the next SEVEN days!

Consider this a Human Experiment, for the next SEVEN days think about what you are thinking about. Be gentle with yourself. No Judgment please!

This will be like exercising, you will be exhausted, you will feel like you want to quit, please don’t! Keep at it!

By the third day, begin to select your thoughts and choose to think ONLY thoughts that make you feel good, thoughts that bring a good feeling. Think of things you want, think of your Desires, and watch your feelings take over.

According to Jerry and Esther Hicks this is the formula to manifest. Another way of looking at it is thinking FAITH filled words.

Once you have done it for seven days, try extending the excersize to 10 days, 15 days, 21 days. Remembering that according to the research it takes 21 days to create a habit. Wouldn’t it be GREAT if you can develop this Habit?

If you want to commit to training your thinking, email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session, niecatlifecoach@yahoo.com

Thinking my way to my Heart’s Desires,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


The Gift of Power

The Gift of Power

Humanity is the Power of GOD in action.
GOD has given humankind the Power to
form and shape our lives. The gifts given to
form and shape our lives. The gifts given to
Humanity are the conscious Power of thought
and of the spoken word. Because we have been
given such Great Power, we must use it lovingly
and wisely.

The Power to think makes us free agents.
We shape our lives in the image-likeness of our
Thinking. Our thoughts and feelings express as experiences because thoughts are things.

We can speak the word and align ourselves
with our Christ-nature. Our words are filled
with Power to accomplish the intent with
Which they are spoken.

We can use our words to build our lives.
We must consciously speak only things we
Want to see expressed.

If you want to learn to use your words
to create your ideal life, contact me for your
FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session, my
email address is niecatlifecoach@yahoo.com

Happy Thinking,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

Daily Inspiration for Better Living

June 11, 2013
Page 17
Universal Foundation for Better Living, Inc. Publication


If I had no vision, I will surely perish: Proverbs 29:18


If I had no vision, I will surely perish: Proverbs 29:18

In order for me to be successful at this game of life, I have to make sure I am focused on what I want out of life. To this accomplish this objective,  I have rules which I follow, these seven rules help me keep focused.

What are the rules you follow?

1. GOD Is First in my life, my world and my affairs.

2. If is in front of me is because I can do it.

3. Even when I fail at it, my daily goal is to be good to others.

4. Out of ALL of my experiences ONLY Good will come.

5. Everything that happens to me happens for my Highest Good. Even when I don’t see it.

6. One day at a time.

7. The World is conspiring in My Favor!

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach
