Tag Archives: dream big

Miracles are Real

Sending Positive vibes!

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Any questions?

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




“If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Your Thoughts = Your Life

You have to think anyway, you might as well think in your Favor!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach





You are where You need to Be!


You are exactly where you need to be right now. Everything that has happened to you up to this point has brought you to right now and has made you who you are today.

It is now your time to become the GREAT Person you were created/designed to be. Keep in mind that without ALL the experiences you have enjoyed you would not be able to achieve your GREATNESS.

The challenges you experienced were there as oils to the GREAT machine you are to become. It matter not to Our GOD how low you have gone or high you have reached. There are no limits to GOD! It is not too late, this is the right time, this is the right moment!
You are GREATNESS waiting for Yourself to bring Your Own Greatness into expression.
You are the GREATNESS you Seek!

If you want to learn how to achieve the Greatness you were meant to achieve, I am the Life Coach for you!  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session: niecatlifecoach@yahoo.com

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections –  Day 10; by: Marianne Williamson

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


Common Sense is not Common

Common Sense is not Common

Common Sense is not Common!

Am sitting here in Nassau, Bahamas being extremely happy as I celebrate my B*Day weekend and enjoy the sound of the ocean waves from my hotel room (this was a BIG Dream for me). Here is the thing,
is 4:19 a.m. and I am up! Why? One thing, I am excited about going outside to walk in the beach when morning time comes (yes, at 48 I am still a kid at heart), and am also suffering from a very nasty allergy attack. Being grateful and surfing channels I came across The Steve Harvey Show. He shared three rules that I just must share. Needless to say, me being me, I had to put my own spin to Steve Harvey’s three common sense rules.

We are ALWAYS thinking, always! Let us put our thinking time for good use. Think BIG!
What do you want?
Just think it!
Just feel it!
Go into your mind file cabinet and remember everything that you ever wanted to do. Go way back, select the BIGGEST Dream that has ever crossed your mind and dust it off. If you believe in GOD (I highly recommend you do) pray for the wisdom to make your BIG Dream come into fruition. If your dream is in the forefront of your mind, cultivate it. Give yourself permission to succeed. Give your BIG Dream permission to be manifested in your life, world, and affairs. See it! Smile as you think about it! See yourself in your BIG Dream!

Once you figure out what your dream is, do something about it. Start small, just one action a day. Think about your BIG dream. Do something about your dream on a daily basis. Think about the feeling you will have when you achieve your dream.
What will it feel like?
What will you hear?
What would you feel?
Little by little formulate your BIG Dream in your head, feeling the feeling of manifesting your dream and be grateful for your BIG Dream coming into fruition.

Even the BEST thinking person will have challenges in life. Everyone has challenges, is not the challenge, is the way we handle it. When you are in the process of seeing your BIG Dream in your mind’s eye and you begin doing something about it.
How are you going to react when the first obstacle appears?
What will you do when the 100’s obstacle appear?
example: You are in the grocery store and the line is really short, you are next and in a hurry.
What are your going to do?
What will you choose?
You can become exasperated, start complaining and become miserable in your mind, where ONLY you live OR you can use this time to think gratefully about your BIG Dream! You can use this time to pray, think happy thoughts, exercise your affirmations, review your vision statement mentally or send the cashier and customer thoughts of light and harmony.
What will you choose????

Coach Arthur
Life Coach