Tag Archives: Life

Kid-Friendly Tips for Seizing the Day

Kids need to prepare for the day ahead, just like the rest of us. However, their goals are quite different from those of adults. That’s why it’s important to tailor your action plan around your child’s individual needs.

Not sure where to get started? No problem, NieCat Life Coaching shares some effective ideas to get your kids motivated for school, extracurricular activities, and more.

Role-Modeling Self-Care for Your Children

Being a parent can be exhausting. Between the time you spend caring for your child and ensuring they’re meeting their needs, it’s easy to forget about taking care of yourself.

It’s important, however, to make time for self-care in order to take care of yourself and your children. One way to show kids that taking care of themselves is important is by modeling it for them.

If you’re dealing with your own stressors in life, it can affect your child’s self-care routine. Therefore, you should find ways to reduce work and life stress. Some helpful ways of achieving this are by mixing up your daily routine, eating and exercising well, and striving not to be a perfectionist. If you run a business and struggle to find enough time to spend with your children, consider hiring an administrative assistant or what accounting software options are available to free up your time. As a parent, you are the most important person in your children’s lives, so it’s vital that you have enough time to spend with them.

Improving Sleep

One thing you can do to improve your child’s sleep is teach them how to fall asleep on their own. This can be difficult for some children, but with the right guidance and routine, they’ll be able to fall asleep on their own in no time.

The first step to teaching your child is to make sure they’re tired enough. One way to help them grow tired enough is by making sure they exercise or play outside before bedtime. If they have trouble falling asleep after a long day of playing, you can also suggest that they read in bed or play an easy game for a few minutes before going to sleep.

Once your child is tired enough, give them a set of rules for what time their lights go off and how long it should take them to fall asleep. These rules should include not using any electronics at all in the hour before bedtime and keeping their room very dark when it’s time for lights out.

Children can have a difficult time preparing for their day ahead if they don’t get enough sleep or if they have to wake up too late. To prepare children for the day ahead, encourage them to establish a self-care routine and make time for themselves before they start their day.

Boosting Mood and Mental Health

Kids can find many ways to boost their mood and mental health. Some of these include exercising, meditating, practicing gratitude, breathing, creating art, and listening to music. Exercise is one of the best mood boosters for kids.

It releases endorphins which give kids feelings of joy and happiness. This makes them feel better about themselves. When kids exercise, they also get a lot of fresh air, which helps their bodies detoxify. Being able to take in the fresh air also gives kids more energy to do things throughout the day.

Meditation is another great way for kids to feel better about themselves and have more energy throughout the day, as it slows down breathing and helps you focus on your favorite calming activities such as listening to music or watching a movie that relaxes you. This helps your brain release serotonin, which makes you feel happier and calmer overall.

If you’re struggling with your role as a parent and need support, contact NieCat Life Coaching today!

Dana Brown


Back to Basics: (Non-ecommerce) Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents

Back to Basics: (Non-ecommerce) Business Ideas for Stay-at-Home Parents

If you’re a stay-at-home parent, it can be difficult figuring out how to start a business from home. This issue is further complicated if you want to avoid the crowded, competitive ecommerce markets. To succeed, here are a few good ideas to consider, courtesy of NieCat Life Coaching.

Pet Care

For millions of Americans, pets are a major stressor throughout the working week. If you’re good with animals and you have patience, you could provide a solution for this dilemma with pet daycare, walking, or training. Whilst not mandatory, it’s a good idea to go down the route of correct accreditation – this means, for example, earning your NAPPS Certification, with education in pet safety and pet first aid.


The internet has done a lot for the democratization of music, meaning that everyone has the opportunity to find success via apps like Tiktok or sites like Soundcloud. If you have a musical talent and you want to earn from it, you could try collaborating with other artists, streaming your music live to build a following or playing in good old-fashioned venues. The options are truly unlimited for a skillful, wilful musician with a penchant for live performance.


Despite advances in AI and automation, creatives are still in a position to earn with words. You could try pitching articles to your local paper, working with brands to produce web copy or advertising collateral, or you could even turn your hand to fiction and try penning a novel or screenplay. The best part of being a writer is that you can often fit the work around your schedule, making it the perfect vocation for those pockets of time when you’re not looking after the kids.

Child Tutor

Tutors are an essential asset when it comes to the education of our kids. They provide one on one focus outside of busy classrooms, they help with confidence and they can offer alternative learning styles for when a child is not engaging with a topic. Your experience as a parent could make you a prime candidate, but if you want to take on this important role, you’ll also need experience in a particular field of study and a high school diploma.


Whatever business you decide to pursue, it’s important that you plan carefully in advance. Typically, you can expect to pay as much as $11,000 in the initial stages of business development (though this number fluctuates depending on its type and expenses). You’re likely to pay up on licenses, insurance, inventory/supplies and you may also need to rent out space or pay subscriptions to services to help find clients. For your own financial wellbeing, it’s important that you write a watertight business plan. This should clearly describe your proposed company, detail a sales structure, project expenses and consider any required funding. You’ll be amazed, when laying these details out on paper, how much it can cost to kick things off.

Remember that if you need money to start your business, you may need to contact a lender to discuss a business loan. During this process, the lender will take a hard look at your finances, which make or break your chances at getting a loan. Before heading down this road, figure out your debt-to-income ratio and see if you can boost your credit score. This way, you won’t hit any obstacles when you sit down to secure that business loan.

Also, last but not least, don’t forget to create a great space to facilitate your work. That way, you can separate home and business and enjoy a better balance in your lifestyle. For instance, simply investing in ergonomic office chairs and a DIY peel and stick wallpaper allows you to add a little style and comfort to your home office, making it easier to stay focused.

Balancing parenting with business can be tricky, especially if you want to avoid the internet buying/selling process, but if you have a skill or experience in a certain field and you’re willing to head out and handle things in person, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t succeed in your endeavors.

NieCat Life Coaching – https://www.niecatlifecoaching.com/

NAPPS – https://petsitters.org/page/NAPPSCertificationCourse

Soundcloud – https://blog.landr.com/8-ways-actually-get-heard-soundloud/

web copy – https://thegood.com/insights/copy-that-converts/

experience – https://www.moneycrashers.com/become-tutor/

$11,000 – https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/business-insights-ideas/resources/money-start-business%20-%20BLAH%20!!!

business plan – https://www.zenbusiness.com/start-a-business/

DIY peel and stick wallpaper – https://www.spoonflower.com/en/peel-and-stick-removable-woven-wallpaper

Miracles are Real

Write it down, make it plain!

Sending Positive vibes!

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Any questions?

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




“If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Your Thoughts = Your Life

You have to think anyway, you might as well think in your Favor!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




Best Parenting



“The groundwork to abundance is right thinking.”

There is a simple inner recipe to manifest “abundance.”  The recipe requires “Right thinking!”

The first ingredient to manifest abundance is right thinking. You must know without a shadow of a doubt that abundance is yours. You are entitled to abundance! Abundance is yours for the asking! GOD Created you with everything you need and want in abundance!

The second ingredient is to be convinced that “how” abundance is manifested into your life is none of your business.

Once the first 2 ingredients are solidified in your thinking, the next ingredient is to ask for what you want, describe the abundance you want to see in your life, world and affair.

The last and most important ingredient is Faith!  You must have Faith beyond a shadow of a doubt that the abundance you asked for is yours. You must feel the feeling you will have knowing that the abundance is already yours.

Allow your Faith to be activated and feel the feeling that you will have when your abundance is present. Activate your imagination!

As you work on your right thinking to lay your groundwork to your abundance, it is important that you keep in mind the details of your abundance is GOD’s job. You only need to ask, believe and relax, in other words, have FAITH.

If reading this recipe makes you feel hopeful but you have no idea where to start, email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session: niecatlifecoach@yahoo.com.

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach