Monthly Archives: August 2018

Your thoughts, Your Life!


Think about what you really desire.

What is it that you want to see in your life, world and affairs?

Your responsibility is to see yourself with the desire of your heart. Most importantly, your job is to FEEL as if your desire is already yours. This is what faith is all about, thinking and feeling your desire as it is already yours. You are NOT to concern yourself with the “how.” How your desire will come to life is none of your business. The “how” is GOD‘s business!

Do not worry about the “how!” Concentrate on thinking and feeling  your desire! Period!

The Secret: Daily Teachings; day 216 by Rhonda Byrne

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach



I Am Financial Abundance

On this day I remind myself that I will continue to work on my financial stability and my financial powerhouse status. I can only look at right now. Now is ALL I have. GOD Cannot be my Financial Banker anywhere else but right here and right now. All is financially well.

“All is financially well!” All things work for my financial abundance no matter what. All things lead to my financial abundance no matter what! I give myself permission to relax and STOP thinking about the future. The future is GOD’s business. My job is to say YES to my financial Abundance right now. My consciousness says YES to money coming to me from expected as well as unexpected places. I want for nothing! It is GOD’s Business how it will ALL work out!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach