Monthly Archives: March 2013


Our Children Deserve BETTER!

Our Children Deserve BETTER!

I was at Miami Children’s Hospital (I LOVE this hospital) at the Gastro’s office with my First-Born (Nie) and my GrandHon on Wednesday, and I saw something extremely interesting/sad to me.

The office was full of children and parents waiting very patiently. First I noticed that 85% of the children were entertained by some type of electronic device, secondly, I noticed that 10% of them were engrossed on what the Disney channel was showing, and 5% of them were going wild. Here is the interesting part, there was a blond lady on her computer, nothing wrong with that, I was on my iPad the entire THREE hours for the most part, however, she was engrossed in her computer and didn’t realize that her children were going totally crazy, I stared at her to see if I could get her attention and nothing happened. Whatever she was looking at was way more important than her two boys. Then, there was another lady who came in, signed in, and left her son in one part of the doctor’s office and went to sit at another part of the office. That was astonishing to me as the child could not have been more than 5 years old. These boy started wrestling with one of the blond boys and was hurting him. Another lady had to tell him to stop because the little boy was getting super rough! Mind you, neither one of the parents said anything, well one of them couldn’t even see what was happening anyway. I even said out loud, well, if she doesn’t say anything I guess it must be okay, and she still didn’t look up. Now to her defense I did say it in Spanish, maybe she didn’t speak Spanish who knows!

Once they called us in the room, Nie was chasing my GranHon all over the office and she comes back in the room to tell me how the blond lady is now in a room as well with her two boys and on the computer while one of her sons was walking on the ledge of the window!

Come on Parents! We MUST do BETTER than that!!!!!
Children should not have to sacrifice so that we can have the life we want! We have to commit ourselves to our children. Having children and raising them right is a FULL TIME JOB! Period!

If you want to do it right, you have to give up your time! That is truly the ONLY way!

Happy Parenting,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


How to become the Parent you want to be:

How to become the Parent you want to be:

There are seven rules to follow to become the parent you want to be:

1. Decide you want to be a BETTER Parent to your children. It ALL begins with a thought!

2. Create boundaries – Your children should understand what is acceptable behavior and what is not.

3. Demand (strong word I know) Respect from your children! You are not your children’s friend, you are the parent. You MUST act like the parent.

4. Make TIME for your children. In order to do this parenting thing effectively, you are going to have to make a decision to be present for/with your children. Live in the MOMENT!

5. Decide in your mind that your Children Come FIRST! Make your Children your # 1 Priority!

6. Listen – Your children have a lot to say!

7. No Judgment – No matter what you hear, do not judge! Share your Wisdom, but allow space to hear the TRUTH!

Happy Parenting
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


This is what “Karma” looks like!

Any questions?

Coach Arthur
Life Coach


Words have Power, use them Wisely

Words have Power, use them Wisely

I find this picture very appropriate for today’s message. For those of us who are visual learners, the lesson is in the picture. As parents sometimes we are clueless of the impact our words have on our children. Calling our children names should be a practice that needs to stop the moment you read this blog if this is something you practice. I know sometimes you can’t understand why your children do the things they do. Trust me, I know! I have been at this for 23 years, however, regardless of what you feel you, what your children did or said, you MUST NEVER call your children derogatory name.

Your words have Power! Use your words to bestow Blessings upon your children. There is a reason why you find more than one parent Bestowing Blessings upon their children in the Old Testament.
We also have that Power in 2013.

Bless your children, bestow Blessings upon them daily, but most importantly, please, please, please don’t call them names.

Happy Parenting,
Coach Arthur
Parenting Life Coach


One of Life’s Greatest Success Secrets:

One of Life's Greatest Success Secrets:

You have the Power to plan your way to success! When you do plan your way to success, you organize ALL The Powers of Heaven and Earth to help make your plan a reality!

The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages
By Catherine Ponder
Chapter 12
Plan Your way to success
Page 241

Happy Planning,
Coach Arthur


It ALL Begins & Ends in Your Mind!

It ALL Begins & Ends in Your Mind!

One of the most difficult and rewarding jobs we can have during our earth existence is being a parent. That being said, there are no manuals for this GREAT Task.

I submit to you that if we begin parenting with the thought that parenting begins and ends in our minds, we will accomplish more successful encounters with our children.

If you give Power to following thoughts: I am a good parent, I am patient with my children, I am understanding of the life my children lead when they are in school, I am firm but LOVING to my children, I discipline my Children with respect, I LOVE my children. I know these qualities will take over your life once you allow them into your mind.

Think about it, what if you woke up tomorrow with the above thoughts, plus the thought of having a GREAT weekend with your children in-spite of whatever happened tonight!?

Try it!

It all begins and ends in Your mind. What you give Power to, has Power over You, if you allow it!

Happy Parenting,
Coach Arthur
Parent/Teen Life Coach


NEWS FLASH: Teenagers, your parents do understand!!!!!

NEWS FLASH: Teenagers, your parents do understand!!!!!

Dear Teenagers:

I know you think your parents were born the way they are now!! However, I am here to tell you that we weren’t!

Your parents at one point were babies, then elementary school children, middle school children and the one that you will not believe, your parents were TEENAGERS! Seriously, your parents were your age once.

You have the power within you to tell your parents the Truth! Speak the truth to your parents even if your voice shakes. Stand in your truth.

Right now you are thinking:
Are you crazy?
My parents will never understand!!!
My parents will kill me!

Here is the thing, your parents do understand, as they themselves were teenagers, they are just in denial because they remember the things they did (I say this with no judgment).
Your parents are not going to kill you, you are by far one of their BIGGEST Investments and they need to make sure you are around to pay them back!

Make it a goal this week, tell your parents the truth, and you will see, they will understand!

Happy Truth Telling,

Coach Arthur


Don’t Worry; Be Happy

Don't Worry; Be Happy

Worry steals your joy and peace. It can lead to sleepless nights or sleep-filled days. It can make you listless or jumpy. It can tempt you to eat to much or too little. Whatever extremes you experience are symptoms of imbalance.

The time to spent in worry is fruitless. No matter how long or how deeply you worry, it will gain you nothing. After you finish indulging in unproductive, fear-based thoughts and behaviors, you will have to do the work to recuperate. So why bother? Whatever the circumstances, don’t worry; be happy!

The bible tells us to cast our cares on GOD.

When worry thoughts come, quickly replace them with principle-based thoughts. Call forth your spiritual faculty of strength to help you be persistent. Stay committed to improving the way you deal with life.
Do your share, and let GOD handle the rest.

“He removes every branch in me that bears no fruit. Every branch that bears fruit he prunes to make it bear more fruit.”
John 15:2

Daily Inspiration for Better Living
Universal Foundation for Better Living/Daily Inspiration
p. 13
Friday, March 8, 2013


LOVE Me as I am!

LOVE Me as I am!

Daily Inspiration – from Jonathan Lockwood Huie

We cause ourselves untold misery whenever we believe others to be imperfect and try to change them.
Jonathan Lockwood Huie

You have no ability whatsoever to change anyone other than yourself. You can only cause yourself great suffering if you try.

You never really understand a person
until you consider things from his point of view.
– Harper Lee

Conventional people are roused to fury
by departure from convention, largely because they regard such departure as a criticism of themselves.
– Bertrand Russell

Real love is accepting other people the way they are
without trying to change them.
– don Miguel Ruiz


What if?

What if?

Sometimes our children can try our patience and our resolve to be the BEST Parents we can be!
What if we stop concentrating on what is going wrong?

What if we make it our goal to believe in our parenting skills?

What if we have confidence and trust our parental know how?

What if we have Faith in our parental instincts?

What if we believe that we are good parents so much that the Universe/GOD/The Creator has no choice but to materialize our beliefs?

What if?

Happy Parenting,
Coach Arthur