Tag Archives: feelings

Miracles are Real

Write it down, make it plain!

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Any questions?

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach




“If you change the way you look at things the things you look at change”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Your Thoughts = Your Life

Your Thoughts = Your Life

You have to think anyway, you might as well think in your Favor!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach





Divine Order


Divine Order

Divine Order – All is in Divine Order!

I look at my life and I realize I am exactly where I need to be. Everything I have experienced thus far has led me to this point right now. Everything that happened to me was a Blessing or a lesson which I needed to experience in order to be here right now.

I do not concern myself with how things will turn out. The “how” is none of my business. I only concern myself with my Faith (things are always working out for me) and my Feelings (I feel confident that things are working out for me) and that is why my entire life is governed by Divine Order and everything happens for my Highest Good even when I do not realize it.

My life is in Divine Order! (Breath)

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach

Daily Word – Unity Publication – September/October 2018, page 37



“The groundwork to abundance is right thinking.”

There is a simple inner recipe to manifest “abundance.”  The recipe requires “Right thinking!”

The first ingredient to manifest abundance is right thinking. You must know without a shadow of a doubt that abundance is yours. You are entitled to abundance! Abundance is yours for the asking! GOD Created you with everything you need and want in abundance!

The second ingredient is to be convinced that “how” abundance is manifested into your life is none of your business.

Once the first 2 ingredients are solidified in your thinking, the next ingredient is to ask for what you want, describe the abundance you want to see in your life, world and affair.

The last and most important ingredient is Faith!  You must have Faith beyond a shadow of a doubt that the abundance you asked for is yours. You must feel the feeling you will have knowing that the abundance is already yours.

Allow your Faith to be activated and feel the feeling that you will have when your abundance is present. Activate your imagination!

As you work on your right thinking to lay your groundwork to your abundance, it is important that you keep in mind the details of your abundance is GOD’s job. You only need to ask, believe and relax, in other words, have FAITH.

If reading this recipe makes you feel hopeful but you have no idea where to start, email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session: niecatlifecoach@yahoo.com.

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach





Thoughts are things!

Thoughts are things!

I can’t say enough about the book “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks!

I have read this book twice and the second time has literally opened a whole new world for and to me!

I have learned that if I am continuously mindful of how I am feeling within, I can literally stop myself from thinking thoughts that will serve no purpose in my life.
I learned that feeling my feelings is the easiest way to gauge what I am thinking. If I notice that I am not feeling at peace, calm in a state of well-being, all I have to do is think about what I am thinking about and change my thoughts immediately.

A very important question I have learned to ask myself is:
What is the purpose of having thoughts that will not enhance my life?
The answer to this question is one of the lessons this book has taught me.

An example:
I LOVE thinking of different scenarios where I tell someone how I feel about what I am experiencing or how I feel about what they did to me.
Well, I no longer do that, or should I say, I stop myself from doing that now!
I learned that this thinking process is a total waste of time!
After all, the Bible tells me that the words will come to me exactly when I need them.

Knowing that my feelings are a guiding tool/gauge to control my thoughts is the BEST lesson I have learned thus far in 2014.

If you are interested in knowing how to train your thoughts, by learning how your feelings can teach you the value of the thoughts you are having, email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session!

Feeling my feelings and guiding my thoughts,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


Your Thoughts & Feelings Control Your Life!

Your Thoughts & Feelings Control Your Life!

I am in the process of reading “Ask and It Is Given” by Esther and Jerry Hicks for the second time. Chapter 19 was a life changing chapter for me and I have to share it!

The title of chapter 19 is:
Only You can know how you feel about you
“When you expect something, it is on the way.””When you believe something, it is on the way.” “When you fear something, it is on the way.”

According to this chapter, you can tell what is coming your way by the way you feel. The beauty of it is that if you realize that your feelings are not in alignment with your highest good, you can choose to feel differently, you can choose to think differently.

We have creative control. Thinking about what you are thinking about and realizing how you feel about it is the PERFECT way to choose differently. We can change what is manifesting in our lives by realizing what you are thinking and what type of feelings your thought generates.

If you are going through a life experience that brings forth discomfort and you no longer want this experience in your life, you have to change your thinking, change your feelings. If there is something that you want and it is not happening, you need to change your thinking, change your feelings.

Nothing in your life is so severe that you cannot change by changing your thoughts, changing your feelings about it, changing your belief system. The trick? Changing your thoughts, selecting different thoughts, is like exercising! It requires focus and practice!

If you persist on thinking the same thoughts, if you continue to believe as you are believing , if you continue feeling the same feelings, there will be no changes to your experience!

If you need assistance in redirecting your thoughts and feelings, contact me for a 20 minute FREE Life Coaching session!

Choose great thoughts,

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach