Category Archives: Art of allowing

Words have Power

Your thoughts = Your Life

You are Your Thoughts!

You have to think anyway, you might as well think in your Favor!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach

You are Powerful

What are you inviting?

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach

Life Hack:

Choose You!


choose-wiselyYou are called to this earth plan for a reason, you are a Spiritual being having a human experience. GOD Blessed you with FREE will!

Since GOD Blessed you with FREE will, your good is always there, your good is always with you. Your good is available to you just like your next breath. The choice you have to make is simple. You can say YES to your good and allow it to be one with your experience or you can reject your good, you can disconnect from your good and choose to live life the hard way. You choose! Consider choosing Wisely, consider choosing You!

As we continue to enjoy 2019, choose you! If you need assistance learning how to choose you or if you need assistance choosing you with fidelity, I am here for you! Inbox me for a FREE 20 minute life coaching session: Choose wisely!

The Secret: Daily Teachings, Sunday, January 6, 2019

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

I Am Financial Abundance

On this day I remind myself that I will continue to work on my financial stability and my financial powerhouse status. I can only look at right now. Now is ALL I have. GOD Cannot be my Financial Banker anywhere else but right here and right now. All is financially well.

“All is financially well!” All things work for my financial abundance no matter what. All things lead to my financial abundance no matter what! I give myself permission to relax and STOP thinking about the future. The future is GOD’s business. My job is to say YES to my financial Abundance right now. My consciousness says YES to money coming to me from expected as well as unexpected places. I want for nothing! It is GOD’s Business how it will ALL work out!

Coach Arthur

Certified Professional Life Coach

What if

What if you decided this moment that you are NOT alone? What if you decided to believe without a doubt that there is a Higher Power at your side?

What if you see every thought you have as being supported by a Universal force that responds to your every need waiting for you to ask for assistance and willing and able to assist at every turn? Thinking in this manner can make all your fairs go away instantly.

What if you choose to believe that you have the strongest, wisest, most powerful partner at your side?  This powerful force is able to do all things and there is nothing that can stop it from being powerfully on your side.

The ONLY thing you need to do is believe!

If you need assistance in realizing there is a Higher Power at work in your life, world and affairs, email me for a FREE 20 minute life coaching session.

The Secret – Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne, Day 99

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

“What you choose is choosing you; choose wisely!”
Coach Arthur




“The groundwork to abundance is right thinking.”

There is a simple inner recipe to manifest “abundance.”  The recipe requires “Right thinking!”

The first ingredient to manifest abundance is right thinking. You must know without a shadow of a doubt that abundance is yours. You are entitled to abundance! Abundance is yours for the asking! GOD Created you with everything you need and want in abundance!

The second ingredient is to be convinced that “how” abundance is manifested into your life is none of your business.

Once the first 2 ingredients are solidified in your thinking, the next ingredient is to ask for what you want, describe the abundance you want to see in your life, world and affair.

The last and most important ingredient is Faith!  You must have Faith beyond a shadow of a doubt that the abundance you asked for is yours. You must feel the feeling you will have knowing that the abundance is already yours.

Allow your Faith to be activated and feel the feeling that you will have when your abundance is present. Activate your imagination!

As you work on your right thinking to lay your groundwork to your abundance, it is important that you keep in mind the details of your abundance is GOD’s job. You only need to ask, believe and relax, in other words, have FAITH.

If reading this recipe makes you feel hopeful but you have no idea where to start, email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session:

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach




I Declare

Dear Clients:

I declare that I will use my expertise, my actions and my words to bless you. I will assist you by writing a vision statement with your own words that will bring you favor in your life, world and affairs.

I will assist you so you can call out your Greatness. I will do this with you, by showing you your innate ability to be “Proud of YourSelf, to LOVE YourSelf and to nurture YourSelf.

I am committed to assist so in believing in YourSelf and your dreams. I will work with fidelity to assure You learn to navigate your True Self. Your TRUE Self  is amazing, talented and beautiful.  I am committed to assist you in believing in YourSelf and Your dreams.I will partner with You in agreement that you will do GREAT things in life. This is my declaration to You, My Dear client.

Dear Client you are coachable, you are eager to be BETTER and you have no problem compensating me for how GREAT your life will be! I ONLY work with individuals that want to change!

Email me:

I Declare – 31 Promises to speak over your life by Joel Osteen – day 14

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach