Monthly Archives: April 2013




Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter
everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe
that change forever how we experience life and the world.
– John Milton

Everything is a miracle,
not just the beautiful and lovely things.
– Anonymous

Look at everything as though you were seeing it
either for the first or last time.
Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
– Betty Smith

Today I offer a prayer of forgiveness:
forgive the pettiness of my ingratitude…
the absence of profound thankfulness.
– Mary Anne Radmacher

Today’s affirmation:
I Receive ALL of Life with Thanksgiving –
I have gratitude for EVERYTHING
that has ever occurred to bring me to this moment.
I give thanks for the joys and the sufferings,
the moments of peace and the flashes of anger,
the compassion and the indifference,
the roar of my courage and the cold sweat of my fear.
I accept gratefully the entirety of my past and my present life.
– Jonathan Lockwood Huie

With Gratefulness,
Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach


“Go Ahead, You can do it!!!!

Is Possible!


Say YES to Your Teenager!

Say YES to Your Teenager!

I read a very interesting article in “One Tough” which shared guidelines on having a GREAT relationship with your teenager. I found the article very interesting and the strategies are ones that I have actually used during my parent life coaching sessions, so I wanted to share it with my readers.

Out of the gate, I must say that raising teens is an adventure that is manageable if you arm yourself with the proper tools.

It might look like your teen is not interested in what you are doing and specially what you are saying, but the TRUTH of the matter is that our teens need us now more than ever. Yes, they are busy and at this time in their lives their friends mean a lot to them, but remember, you are the parent, you have been there from the beginning of their time. Choosing to spend time with your teen and LISTENING without JUDGMENT is paramount. I don’t know how you feel about what you just read, you may need to take a deep breath because LISTENING & NON JUDGMENT is the key to a POSITIVE relationship with your teen.

There are 4 suggestions the article features to have a more positive relationship with your teen: Be actively interested in your teen’s life, Talk with your teen, not at them, Share things with your teen and Schedule in family time.

Be actively interested in your teen’s life – I heard a strategy that Our First Lady Michelle Obama uses with her girls and I immediately began using this strategy with mine girls. On the ride back from school I asked two questions, Share a rose with me from today’s experience and share a thorn with me from today’s experience. I found that when Cat got in the car, she was ready to share. In about 5 minutes I was able to gauge the type of day she had and she was happy to share. Become the Mom to their group. I was a Drama Mom, a Color Guard Mom, a Super Star Mom, whatever the girls were involved in, there I was in the mix of things. Some of their friends actually called me a cool Mom. I was the Mom giving rides to their friends whose parents were to busy to pick them up from whatever activities they were having. Needless to say NieCat were physically not happy about this, but I knew in their Hearts they appreciated me being there! Well, at least that is how I am telling the story! 🙂

Talk with your teen, not at them – I go back to one of my first blog post ever. Please remember what it was like being a teen! Stop preaching! When ALL you do is preach, your teen will tune you out. Have a discussion! LISTEN! Listen to what your teen says and actually give it some thought! Listen!

Share things with your teen – Share your past experiences. Let your teen know you were a teen once. My Girls use to LOVE to hear that I got in trouble with GrandPaPa! That would be the highlight of our conversations. Share what is going on right now with them. Explain to them why at this time you may not be able to pay for that $500 ring. Tell the TRUTH. They can handle it, and they will know you are Human! Sometimes our teens think we are not from this world!

Schedule in family time – The time you are experiencing now with your teen will NEVER come back! Choose to make time for your teens. Sometimes when I come home from a crazy day as a school administrator I have nothing else to give the world, so I invite the girls to my room (actually they just follow me to my room) and we all lay in my bed and talk. I am resting my body and my brain, I am listening to my Girls and that is considered family time! Visit them in their room, at your own Risk that is! Don’t criticize how junky and smelly their room is (I must work on this one), just be, see where the conversation leads you!

Our teens are enjoying a very challenging stage, as parents we MUST choose to do parenting differently to achieve teen parenting success!

Happy Teen Parenting,
Coach Arthur, Cerfified Professional Life Coach


If I had no vision, I will surely perish: Proverbs 29:18


If I had no vision, I will surely perish: Proverbs 29:18

In order for me to be successful at this game of life, I have to make sure I am focused on what I want out of life. To this accomplish this objective,  I have rules which I follow, these seven rules help me keep focused.

What are the rules you follow?

1. GOD Is First in my life, my world and my affairs.

2. If is in front of me is because I can do it.

3. Even when I fail at it, my daily goal is to be good to others.

4. Out of ALL of my experiences ONLY Good will come.

5. Everything that happens to me happens for my Highest Good. Even when I don’t see it.

6. One day at a time.

7. The World is conspiring in My Favor!

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach



You are a Master Piece!

You are a Master Piece!

Think of yourself as Masterpiece!
Think of yourself as one of a kind!
Think of yourself as able to do anything and everything that is in front of you to do!

Yes, I know you have done things that are wrong, I know that you sometimes don’t keep your words, I know, I know, I know…….

What if you place ALL the negative thoughts about Yourself aside for the next four hours?
Let’s call it “Positive Self Reflection!
What if you can recollect ONLY the “good things” you have done.
Make a mental list of your accomplishments (stop thinking negatively right now).
See Yourself as a Winner!
Think thoughts about yourself that will make you smile!

Choose to be gentle with yourself!
Choose to celebrate yourself!

Before you think another thought, think highly of yourself. This is the beginning of a GREAT recipe for your lasting self improvement!

Let me know how your 4 hours of positive Self-Reflection make you feel!

Happy Self Thoughts,

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


You are GOD’s Masterpiece

You are GOD's Masterpiece

Ephesians 2:20 says:

“You are GOD’s masterpiece.”

Do you realize a masterpiece is not mass-produced?

You didn’t come off an assembly line.

You are not average.

You are not ordinary.

You have been custom-made.

You are one of a kind.

GOD created you in HIs very own image.

He looks past all those other things and He looks right at you and says, “There’s My Masterpiece.

That’s My Son!

That’s My Daughter.

That’s what brings the MOST joy to my Heart.

I Declare
31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life
Joel Osteen
page 68


Worrying? Give Yourself a Break!

Worrying? Give Yourself a Break!

We have GREAT minds!

Think about it!

Have you ever been in a situation where you thought/imagined the worse case scenario?
You scared, upset, depressed, angered, cried, hurt yourself half to death. You argued, cursed, screamed and complained ALL internally, all in your mind, but as the situation resolved itself (as situations ALWAYS do), your worse case scenario was ten times worse than the actual situation.

Give yourself a break!


Take a deep breath!

Your Soul (Your GOD Self) Always knows what to do to heal itself, to solve problems. All the answers are in You, within you as you! Silence your mind, stop! Think of the BEST case scenarios instead! Yes, I know what I am asking, is hard, but the beauty of it is that you can do it!

Think a better thought!

Happy Thinking,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


Count Your Blessings!

Count Your Blessings!

A lot of us just finished celebrating a very Holy, GOD centered week. Some of us enjoyed our Spring Break and some of us actually had to work. Regardless, of how you spent last week, you always had a choice. You could have chosen to concentrate on your problems or concentrate on how good life is to you. There is ALWAYS something to be Grateful for.

As I enjoyed my Spring Break I wrote a to do list which comprised 19 items. As my Spring Break came to an end, I complained about all the items that I had not accomplished. My moral compass, The Cat in NieCat, told me, Mom, just think of ALL the items in your list that you actually accomplished. Wow! That was a real “AHA” moment for me. Here I was concentrating on my short comings, the items on the list that I did not complete when I should have been praising myself for ALL the items on my list that I did finish. There were more completed items than not.

This week, I am challenging myself to come up with TEN things I am grateful for during my day. This week I shall not count or re-live my problems, imaginary ones and the apparent ones. This week, will be a GRATEFUL week for me.

Would you join me?

I like the phrase:
Don’t tell GOD how big your problems are; tell your problems how BIG Your GOD Is!

Happy Grateful moments,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach