Monthly Archives: October 2022

Teaching Your Teenager Financial Management Basics

If your child is a teenager or young adult, they will be out on their own in no time, having to make everyday decisions that will potentially impact the rest of their life.

Whether we like it or not, finances play a significant role in our lives success and overall quality. If your child doesn’t learn how to manage their finances, they could end up struggling with unnecessary obstacles through adulthood and beyond.

As a parent, you can help them lay a solid foundation for a flourishing life — and here are some tips from NieCat Life Coaching to show you how.

Organizing a Budget   

No matter the age, every person should know how to create and stick to a budget. Morgan Stanley notes that it just so happens that young consumers are less likely to keep up with their spending than any other age category. And nothing is more critical than possessing basic budgeting skills when finances are tight, not to mention that having such skills can help a person maintain flexibility and freedom with their money — which is a lesson they’ll be glad they learned if they ever decide to run their own business. Not only can you teach your teen about budgeting in business, but lessons can be learned about starting a venture one can believe in, and never promising something you can’t deliver.

Teach your child to use all of the online tools at their disposal for budgeting. There are plenty of spreadsheets and personal accounting tools available that will allow them to create a monthly budget that factors in all of their income and expenses. And they can even learn how to leave room for saving and unexpected costs!

The Deal on Allowance

If you have a young teenager, consider giving them an allowance each week or month. This practice can teach them the value of saving money and expose them to tried-and-true saving strategies that will serve them well into adulthood. While you will want to monitor how they spend their money, give them a little bit of freedom and see how well they can learn to manage their spending themselves.

Introducing Investments    

Investing can do wonders for improving one’s financial standing. But there are many different types of investments to choose from, and you must learn to weigh risks and rewards and make intelligent decisions if you are going to make investing work in your favor. Now could be the perfect time to teach your child the value of investing money wisely. Introduce them to the various forms of financing, including retirement accounts, health savings accounts, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, real estate, and more.

Real Estate and Understanding Mortgages

When it comes to real estate, take the time to teach your child about the various terminology related to mortgages, like what foreclosure means, and make sure they know how to distinguish between the different loan types (i.e., conventional, FHA, VA, etc.).. It’s also a good time to teach them what are current mortgage rates. Go online and show them the various loan periods and how that affects rates; for example, a conventional 30-year fixed rate mortgage stands at 5.124 percent, whereas a VA loan for the same period is 4.750 percent.

Interrogating Each Purchase   

It’s easy for any of us to think twice before making a big purchase. For example, you will probably not spend $1,500 on a flat-screen TV without first considering other options and comparing prices between retailers. LendKey points out that it’s the little purchases that sneak up and do damage to your budget!

Teach your child to evaluate each purchase, even if it’s a four-dollar coffee or nine-dollar take-out order. Over time, they will get into a rhythm and develop the habit of mindful spending. Then, those little purchases will not accumulate without their knowledge, and they will know exactly where their dollars are going.

Every parent wants their children to have stability when they enter adulthood. Teaching your teen or young adult the basics of financial management can go a long way in helping them lay a solid foundation for succeeding and flourishing long-term. Consider the information and advice above – including how to budget, and having a grasp of investments and mortgages – and keep researching other ways that you can help your child develop healthy budgeting, spending, and investing habits!

NieCat Life Coaching is a faith-based parent and teen coaching resource that is focused on creating a more fulfilling and meaningful life for you and your children. Reach out today for more info! 305-761-5135

You Are Your Child’s First and Best Role Model

You Are Your Child’s First and Best Role Model

Children learn from their parents how to make good life choices. Children may not always have the capacity for self-reflection and the ability to think about long-term consequences, which often makes it difficult for them to make wise decisions on their own. Parents should be available during this process and provide them with a platform where they can ask questions and get answers when they need them most. Read on for some tips and suggestions from NieCat Life Coaching.

Diet and Exercise  

Nemours KidsHealth notes that the dinner table is where children learn the dietary habits that can last a lifetime. Making healthy food choices for yourself and for them while they are young instills not only a sense of what a proper diet is, but they’ll learn to enjoy those foods if they’re introduced to them at an early age. Make certain both you and they have access to fruits and vegetables for snacking and avoid keeping sodas and chips in the house. You can reserve those for special occasions like parties but keep the healthy stuff on the table then too, to provide a good balance. 

Exercising with your children can be fun for you both. Family bicycling is something everyone can look forward to. Wearing helmets is a must for everyone as well as reflective clothing if you’ll be cycling past sundown. Walking and hiking are other fun activities everyone can do together, especially if it’s punctuated with a picnic

At Home

Keeping your home clean and clutter-free works for you and them. The Pragmatic Parent points out that teaching your children to put things away when they’re done with them means your home, including their rooms, can stay neat and tidy. A home filled with clutter causes stress and bad energy in the home, which means a lot of whining and complaining. Giving kids chores teaches them responsibility and accountability and if they get paid for some of those duties, it’s an opportunity for them to learn about savings, spending wisely, and delayed gratification. 

Scheduling homework time, playtime, and chores is a chance for them to learn time management, too. Kids can get stressed and overwhelmed if they’re not guided throughout their day since it takes time and maturity to learn how to best manage their activities. A printed schedule that is color-coded in a place they visit often, like the refrigerator, can be helpful as well as a clock or an alarm clock that they can read. 

Education, Including Getting an Online Degree

It’s never too early to talk with your children about what they want to achieve in the future. Having a goal, even if it’s one they’ll change often, instills in them the idea of putting the work in now~education~means having the dream job they long for later on. 

Family trips to the library help them learn to appreciate books and all the other services a library offers. Encourage them to check out books about famous people who have done or are doing the job they hope to one day make their career. 

If you’ve been putting off getting a degree, pursuing an online degree gives you the flexibility to pursue your dream while fulfilling other responsibilities. For example, a BSED opens the door for opportunities to work with preschoolers and elementary-aged children. With the ability to learn at your own pace, online coursework allows you to work toward your goals while still taking care of your work and life responsibilities. Best of all, by seeking higher education, your children will benefit from the example you set. 

We hope you’ll adopt a few if not all of the above tips to be the best role model for your kids including living a healthy lifestyle, having a productive and stress-free home, and furthering your education, whether that’s through traditional channels or the online route. Children need guidance, but they also need to be left with a lot of freedom to find out what works best for them. This can only happen when we let them make their own choices while guiding them at the same time. If you need additional guidance and one-on-one support, reach out to parent coach Coach Arthur of NieCat Life Coaching today!


Safe Children

If you are interested in Parenting Life Coaching, please email niecatlifecouch@flacacee

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

Founder/Chief Executive Officer

NieCat Foundation of Excellence Inc.