Tag Archives: empowerment

I Am that I Am

I Am that I Am

I was Created by GOD!

I Am a Child of GOD!

GOD breath his Spirit into me, ALL of GOD Creativity was designed for me as me. Everything GOD has created was created perfectly and I am one of GOD’s creations.

There is no need for me to seek perfection, there is no need for me to seek approval as GOD created me Perfect, Whole & Complete. The Perfect me appears when I show unconditional LOVE to people and circumstances. I now allow GOD to take over and erase any fear or doubt that will keep me from my Highest Good in order for me to express the perfect me in order for the world to see the LIGHT GOD placed in me!

If you want to realize who your TRUE Self really is, I am the Life Coach for you!  Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session: niecatlifecoach@yahoo.com inbox me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session!

A Year of Miracles: Daily Devotions and Reflections – Day 243;  Marianne Williamson

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


“Is Not About YOU!

Don Miguel Ruiz is one of my favorite authors. I have made the intention to become an expert in sharing his book “The Four Agreements” with as many parents, teens and individuals in my world via workshops and presentations.

When I saw this picture I was tickled pink, and decided to use this opportunity to share his second agreement. “Don’t take anything personal!”
When someone is interacting with you, there are doing it from their perspective, from their point of view, from their experiences. When they are giving you advice, they are speaking from the way they see life, from the agreements they have made to themselves.
Therefore, you MUST always remember that the words that are coming out of someone’s mouth are about them and how they see life and not about you!

Don’t take things personally because you are here to fulfilled your Life’s Purpose and ONLY you can do that. Taking things personally will delay your progress!

The actions of others are just that, the people around you are going to act according to their belief system. No, they are not trying to hurt you, they are trying to save themselves.

You are responsible for you. It is no one’s responsibility if you take things said to you positively or negatively, the way you perceive what you hear is TOTALLY up to you!
The other side of that coin? You are not responsible for how others perceive your words, actions or reactions.

I live my life, you live your life and we are all living our lives according to our experiences, according to how we perceive our world, and most importantly, we live our lives according to our perceptions, good, bad or indifferent; perception is our reality!

Bottom line: Everything that others tell you is the way they see you. When you learn that, you FREE yourself from the opinions of others!

Our attitude should be: “What you think about me, is none of my business!”

Being free from the opinions of others,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach


Problems = Opportunities

Problems = Opportunities

Whenever you are growing through challenges see them as Opportunities!

An opportunity to GROW!

An opportunity to say “Thank You GOD for the Strength I need to conquer this challenge!”

An opportunity to know that you are not alone, and that this too shall pass!

An opportunity to buckle down and choose to learn from the lesson!

An opportunity to ask for help!

An opportunity to share your challenge with someone who needs encouragement through their own storm.

An opportunity to know that you know you will be BETTER for this experience.

An opportunity to TRUST the process!

An opportunity to see your challenge as a lesson!

An opportunity to have FAITH!

Here is to opportunities,
Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

I Declare


As a Parent & Teen Life Coach, I Declare I am a people builder.

I will look for opportunities to

encourage others to bring out the

BEST in them and to help them

accomplish their dreams. I will

speak words of Faith and Victory, affirming

them, approving them, letting them

know they are valued. I will call

out their seeds of greatness, helping

them to rise higher and become all

that GOD created them to be.

This is My Declaration

Coach Arthur – CPC

I Declare 31 promises to Speak Over Your Life  By Joel Osteen  – Day 23

Life Is a Thought Thing! Coach Arthur


Why Complicate Life?

Why Complicate Life?


Daily Inspiration – Daily Quote

Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote

Jonathan Lockwood Huie – Insights for living with joy and purpose

Well-being is making its way to you at all times.
If you will relax and find a way to allow it,
it will be your experience.
– Abraham (Esther Hicks)

Persevere. Plan. Strategize. Focus. Breathe. Write.
Let go: relax. Forgive. All this failing: take a nap.
– Mary Anne Radmacher

Humor is healing.
– Brad Garrett

Believe in the goodness of life.
Believe in the power of time to heal and to renew.
Believe in the power of forgiveness and gratitude.
Believe in the gift of rainbows and butterflies.
Believe in the laughter of children.
– Jonathan Lockwood Huie
May the world be kind to you,
and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
– Jonathan


Harmonizing Your Thoughts & Feelings can make you a Better Parent!

FREE Life Coaching Session

We as Parents are so involved in our lives that sometimes we loose our perspective. We feel that just because a situation is going a certain way with our children there is no solution, and that is not the case.
There are times that as parents we have to rely on someone on their outside to assist us in seeing things right! Keep in mind that Our minds, and thoughts determine our experiences!
Believe it or Not!
Consider this situation! By the way, I just made up these names as well as the situation itself, though I am quite sure you can see yourself or someone else in this story!
Tina is a single mother with a lot of family support, she has a son named Jaimito who she LOVES very much, however, she finds herself screaming at him ALL the time. After all, that is the type of environment she grew up in!
Tina solicits the assistance of a Life Coach in order to make lasting changes in her life, world and affairs. Here is the summary of her first session: The first thing Tina needs to do is declare what is her objective, her goal. According to Tina, she wants to stop yelling at Jaimito ALL the time. What Tina needs to do now with the support of her Life Coach, is to change her mind about the situation she finds herself in. Her Life Coach will assists her by asking her questions, these questions are geared to assist Tina in understanding why she yells. By listening to the answers to the Life Coach questions, Tina will be able to come to the realization of why she yells. The line of questioning will also allow the Life Coach to come up with a strategy (vision statement) to allow Tina to change her mind set by influencing her conscious and subconscious mind of the need to change her behavior. Tina goes home with a total mind shift and is this mind shift/change, that allows Tina to see things differently. Now when Jaimito does the same actions which triggered Tina to scream, Tina does not have the need to scream! She has changed her mind about her situation, therefore, her situation has changed!
Tina decided to hire a Life Coach as a strategy in order to stay focus on her goal, knowing that her Life Coach will always be there to empower, motivate, support her and hold her accountable for her actions towards her goal.
In continuing sessions Tina will solidify what she learned in her first session.

Coach Arthur