Tag Archives: lies


It is a cliche but it is true!

It is a cliche but it is true!

Parents, your children learn what they see you do, and what they hear you say to others, not what you tell them to do or to say!
When I have parent conferences I am often amazed how parents are shocked that their children lie! First, they tell me, my son/daughter NEVER lie!m After I reveal my investigation and my witnesses they come to the realization, that their child has lied. Often, they cry, don’t understand how it happened and sometimes, they just think I am the evil one and I have orchestrated this plot to get their child in trouble, because of course I don’t like their child and I have it in for them! This one happens more than I care to discuss.
Here is the thing parents, your children are looking at you very carefully!!! I just can stress this enough! They are watching you, they are listening to you, they are hanging on to your every ACTION. If you are lying to Auntie Ursula about why you didn’t call her, if you are lying to the bill collector about the payment being in the mail, if you are lying to the cashier that you don’t have enough money, if you are lying to the homeless person asking you for money on your way to the mall, guess what? Your baby girl/baby boy is internalizing ALL of that!
Stop lying in front of your children! Period!