Tag Archives: People

Ten Strategies to Raising Children


As per the Center for parenting, there are ten key strategies to raising children. Below you can read and share this blog with others.

  1.  Children thrive BEST in a home filled with respect and LOVE. The respect must be a 2 way street. Parents must respect their children and children must do the same.
  2. It is important that parents listen to their children. Listen with a quite non-judgmental ear as your children share their feelings and thoughts.
  3. The main emphasis should be what is good and positive about your children.
  4. Allow your children to learn and do tasks for themselves.
  5. Be cognizant of what your children can accomplish based on their age, maturity and skill level. Celebrate their accomplishments!
  6. Be “consistent!” Do what you say you are going to do.
  7. Do not become physical, emotionally or mentally abusive.
  8. Admit when you make mistakes. Be aware of your mistakes and teach your children that mistakes have lessons within them to be learned.
  9. Behave how you expect your children to behave.
  10. Laughter is the BEST medicine. Make sure your home is filled with a sense of humor.

Need assistance becoming a BETTER parent? Email me for a FREE 20 minute Life Coaching session: niecatlifecoach@yahoo.com


Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach