Category Archives: the secret

Choose You!


choose-wiselyYou are called to this earth plan for a reason, you are a Spiritual being having a human experience. GOD Blessed you with FREE will!

Since GOD Blessed you with FREE will, your good is always there, your good is always with you. Your good is available to you just like your next breath. The choice you have to make is simple. You can say YES to your good and allow it to be one with your experience or you can reject your good, you can disconnect from your good and choose to live life the hard way. You choose! Consider choosing Wisely, consider choosing You!

As we continue to enjoy 2019, choose you! If you need assistance learning how to choose you or if you need assistance choosing you with fidelity, I am here for you! Inbox me for a FREE 20 minute life coaching session: Choose wisely!

The Secret: Daily Teachings, Sunday, January 6, 2019

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

Your thoughts, Your Life!


Think about what you really desire.

What is it that you want to see in your life, world and affairs?

Your responsibility is to see yourself with the desire of your heart. Most importantly, your job is to FEEL as if your desire is already yours. This is what faith is all about, thinking and feeling your desire as it is already yours. You are NOT to concern yourself with the “how.” How your desire will come to life is none of your business. The “how” is GOD‘s business!

Do not worry about the “how!” Concentrate on thinking and feeling  your desire! Period!

The Secret: Daily Teachings; day 216 by Rhonda Byrne

Coach Arthur, Certified Professional Life Coach



What if

What if you decided this moment that you are NOT alone? What if you decided to believe without a doubt that there is a Higher Power at your side?

What if you see every thought you have as being supported by a Universal force that responds to your every need waiting for you to ask for assistance and willing and able to assist at every turn? Thinking in this manner can make all your fairs go away instantly.

What if you choose to believe that you have the strongest, wisest, most powerful partner at your side?  This powerful force is able to do all things and there is nothing that can stop it from being powerfully on your side.

The ONLY thing you need to do is believe!

If you need assistance in realizing there is a Higher Power at work in your life, world and affairs, email me for a FREE 20 minute life coaching session.

The Secret – Daily Teachings by Rhonda Byrne, Day 99

Coach Arthur
Certified Professional Life Coach

“What you choose is choosing you; choose wisely!”
Coach Arthur